
Our platform is even though fully devoted to helping the individuals and businesses of all sizes, however, there are certain things we want our site/service users to be clear about:

  1. We “ENERGYTIX Ltd” are in no manner affiliated with third-party graphic design companies.
  2. We are not entitled to any kinds of perks from other graphic design companies. We are an independent ‘Graphic Designer’.
  3. When we charge your card for processing the payment on behalf of our services, this descriptor will appear on your credit card statement: ENERGYTIX Ltd
  4. You will not (in any way) be eligible for a reimbursement in full and/or any percentage of the service fee paid for the services. ENERGYTIX Ltd is not responsible for and will not refund any fees incurred by you from the Bank or other financial institutions, including without limitation overdraft charges, insufficient funds charges, interest rate charges, or finance charges, which may have been charged as a result of billing the service charges by ENERGYTIX Ltd.
  5. Not every client is satisfied due to personal reasons. In case of dissatisfaction, you are solely responsible, and not us; as we provide services with 100% honesty and devotion.
  6. We “ENERGYTIX Ltd” reserve the right to suspend or terminate your ‘Access’ to the Site and/or Services at any time, for any reason, without any prior notice or refund.

(NOTE: ENERGYTIX Ltd reserves ‘THE RIGHT’ to reject any claim made under the aforementioned parameters. Further to that, the disclaimer policy is subject to change without prior notice.)